Please select your topic

Misconduct by third parties (e.g. service providers, insured persons, other persons) →
Please use this category if you have information that the AOK was harmed, for example by:
  • an incorrect invoice
  • the statement of false facts or falsification of documents
  • illegal cooperation, collusion, etc.
(The report is processed in accordance with §197a SGB V. Unfortunately, the separate regulations of the Whistleblower Protection Act ( Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz - HinSchG) do not apply. The HinSchG only applies to reports in which the AOK or its employees commit violations. However, you have the option of contacting an “external reporting office” of the federal or state governments (e.g. the Ministry of Justice) in accordance with § 19 ff HinSchG. A report received there is subject to the HinSchG. If you are unsure, you can still continue here and submit the report to us anonymously.)
Misconduct by employees of the AOK Niedersachsen →
Please use this category if your report relates to internal misconduct by employees. For example:
  • Corruption, embezzlement, fraud, theft, financial loss
  • Bullying at work, exclusion, insult, discrimination, sexual harassment
  • Complaints about supervisors or colleagues
  • Wrong decisions in processing or faulty processes
  • Pollution, energy waste
(The report will be processed in accordance with the regulations of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz - HinSchG). However, the legislature only provides for the HinSchG for information in which the AOK or its employees commit violations. Your report will be received by the so-called “internal reporting office” in accordance with § 12 ff HinSchG (here: Compliance Management). However, you also have the option of contacting an “external reporting office” of the federal or state governments (e.g. the Ministry of Justice)  in accordance with § 19 ff HinSchG. A report received there is subject to the HinSchG. If you are unsure, you can still continue here and submit the report to us anonymously.)
Privacy →
If you have any reports of a data protection violation or if your data has been misused, you can report this here. This includes, for example:
  • the misuse of data
  • insufficient protection of sensitive data
  • the unlawful use of business secrets
(The report will be processed in accordance with the regulations of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz - HinSchG). However, the legislature only provides for the HinSchG for information in which the AOK or its employees commit violations. Your report will be received by the so-called “internal reporting office” in accordance with § 12 ff HinSchG (here: Compliance Management). However, you also have the option of contacting an “external reporting office” of the federal or state governments (e.g. the Ministry of Justice)  in accordance with § 19 ff HinSchG. A report received there is subject to the HinSchG. If you are unsure, you can still continue here and submit the report to us anonymously.)
Violation of human rights and environmental standards by our suppliers →
If you have indications of a violation of the duty of care under the Supply Chain Act, you can send a message here. This includes, for example:
  • Child employment, forced labour, abuse
  • Unequal treatment, discrimination
  • Inhuman working conditions
  • Destruction, impairment or exploitation of nature and the environment
(The report will be processed in accordance with § 8 of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG). Whether the tip also falls under the regulations of the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz - HinSchG) depends on the content of the tip. The legislature only provides for the HinSchG for information in which the AOK or its employees commit violations. Your report will be received by the so-called “internal reporting office” in accordance with § 12 ff HinSchG (here: Compliance Management). However, you also have the option of contacting an “external reporting office” of the federal or state governments (e.g. the Ministry of Justice). A report received there is subject to the HinSchG. If you are unsure, you can still continue here and submit the report to us anonymously.)